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We ensure economical operation of your system. With a switchgear that is designed for your WINKELMANN motor and tested in our test field together with all components you have the decisive quality advantage. Longevity, cost savings and precision.

Throughout the entire process chain, our qualified and experienced engineers design and optimize the suitable module. In this way we ensure a smooth project process and a long, maintenance-free term of your application.

Upon request, we accompany you from the start of the project through the commissioning of the entire system - motor and switchgear - to turnkey handover.  Put your request here.


Technical key data

  • protection class up to IP 66
  • compact design
  • 3D assembly planning with CAE system EPLAN Pro Panel
  • PHOENIX CONTACT labeling system
  • Production and quality control according to: DIN EN 61439-1
  • Certified to UL 508A

We plan your suitable execution on request